August 7, 2023

Getting Started: Vocol Tutorial (Part 2)

In part 2 of this Vocol tutorial series, we will run through some of the basic things that you can do with a meeting recording or an uploaded audio/video file.

Getting Started: Vocol Tutorial (Part 2)

So, you’ve recorded your first meeting or uploaded your first audio/video file? In this article, we will run through some of the basic things that you can do with the file.

All your recordings and uploaded files can be found in the Files section from the left-hand navigation menu. You can sort the files by date range, select files based on ownership (All, My Files, Shared with Me), or use a keyword to filter your selection.

Working with Files

By clicking on a recording or uploaded file, you will enter the editing mode. From here, you can choose either a Basic or Advanced layout. Depending on your selection, you will see a few editing panels.

View in Basic layout
View in Advanced layout

The file details are highlighted below the timeline of the recording (in Basic layout) or at the top of the timeline (in Advanced layout). You can update the file name, attendee list, and file description by clicking on the pencil icon. You can also click on the magnifying glass icon to search the Transcript and Comments by keyword.

To facilitate collaboration, you can click on the "Share" button to share the file with anyone, and you can manage the sharing list at any time. If the person you're sharing the file with is not a Vocol user, an email will be sent to invite this person to join Vocol.

The timeline panel allows you to scrub through the audio or video files to get to the needed point conveniently. You can also speed up the playback and add bookmarks where necessary.

From here, if you click on the middle icon on the video (circled in red), the video will pop out and you can drag it anywhere on the screen so that it’s easier to view the video while reading the transcript. In the Advanced layout, this will also allow you to view the AI Power panel. In Basic layout, the AI Power panel is displayed next to the Transcript panel.

Click icon to pop put the video panel
You can move the video panel anywhere on the screen.

On the AI Power panel, you will see two tabs. The Summary tab contains the summary of the recording that is auto generated by AI. The Topics tab lists the topics covered in the recording. If you did not select "Run AI Power" when uploading the file, you can click the "Run AI Power" button now to generate the summary and topics after the transcript conversion is completed.

The Transcript panel is where you will find the text transcript of the recording. You can click on any paragraph of text and Vocol will start playing from that paragraph, which makes it easy to compare the transcript with the audio.

Note that the accuracy of the transcription depends on the clarity of the speaker and the absence of excessive background noise. The accuracy of the Summary, in turn, depends on the accuracy of the transcription.

Editing & Commenting

Vocol automatically identifies the different speakers for you, but you can manually change their names by clicking on the pencil icon. You can also click the download icon in the Transcript panel to download the text file for editing and backup.

If you highlight any part of the text, two options will be presented. Click on the "Edit" icon on the right and you will be able to edit the text. Once you are done, click "Save". Click on the "Comments" icon on the left and you can leave a comment on that part of the text. Once you are done, click "Confirm".

Comments that are made on the transcript will be displayed with the appropriate timestamp in the Comments panel on the right (in Basic layout). In Advanced layout, the comments can be accessed by clicking the icon at the bottom of the Transcript panel.

You can tag your team members in the comments.

You can further collaborate with team members by using the @ symbol to tag members and assigning to-do items in the comments. Team members can use the Reply function to respond to comments. Each member can only edit and delete their own added comments or replies. Do note that once a comment is deleted, all replies in the comment string will be deleted together, and the deleted content cannot be recovered.

Help & Recommendations

Anytime when you need help, you can click on the “I” icon on the top navigation.

If you are happy with Vocol, please share your feedback with us by clicking the link on the “Home” section. This will open up a Google form for you to fill out.

You can also invite others to use Vocol by clicking on the “Invite” button.

Don't forget to invite others to try Vocol.

On the Home section, you can redeem your coupon or take advantage of any promo code if you need more V-points. We will cover this in another tutorial.

If you find written instructions a bit hard to follow, you can watch the video tutorial here: Vocol Tutorial (03): Working on Files

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