August 23, 2023

How to Collaborate Better in the Global Workplace

With the advent of remote and hybrid work, the need to collaborate is more important than ever. By centralizing these needs to, teams have a single hub for all collaboration, which minimizes the switch-over costs of hopping from software to software and maximizes productivity.

How to Collaborate Better in the Global Workplace

With the advent of remote and hybrid work, the need to collaborate is more important than ever. Colleagues must successfully work with one another across different offices, work configurations, and even time zones.

Unfortunately, technology has not kept pace with this demand. While there are many tools that facilitate remote meetings, such as Zoom or Google Meet, other areas integral to business collaboration are frequently overlooked.

With, teams can address all these critical collaboration needs. At first glance, may seem like another transcription software. The truth is, Vocol uses transcription as a base use case to empower higher-level features for collaboration. By centralizing these needs to Vocol, teams have a single hub for all collaboration, which minimizes the switch-over costs of hopping from software to software and maximizes productivity.

Translate a transcription for colleagues

When it comes to work, the world is now flatter. Colleagues may work with people from different markets and regions. While a multicultural workforce provides numerous advantages - such as greater diversity in perspective - it is not without its challenges. The most basic is language.

If a Japan-based team has a remote meeting in English, they can invite their colleagues in Singapore to join, but the latter may not be able to grasp the key points if some of the participants frequently conversed in their local language. As a result, they may fail to take the necessary follow-up actions. Vocol solves this issue with automatic transcription of English, Japanese, and Chinese, and translation support for more than 25 languages.

With this feature, colleagues and teams across countries can collaborate seamlessly when needed. The so-called “language barrier” will not apply to them. They can share information as easily with their colleague down the hall as with Min from China or Ken from Japan.

Here’s how it works.

1. User uploads a meeting recording.

2. In the Transcript panel, the user clicks “Translate.” The user scrolls down to review the transcripts and change the speakers’ names if needed.

3. From the drop-down menu, the user chooses the language they would like to translate the transcript into.

4. The user clicks “Confirm” to finalize their language choice.

5. The user selects the notification bell in the upper-right corner of the menu bar and goes to the notification that indicates the translation is done.

6. The user can also click on the chosen language button in the Transcript panel.

Add comments on transcripts

Another common problem with remote meetings is the key takeaways. What Jane thought was significant may be different from what John thought was one. The result is operational chaos: Important tasks may be handled inappropriately, delayed due to inaction, or even overlooked entirely.

Email threads or Slack discussions may help with this issue, but only marginally. Because these conversations occur outside the context of the original transcript, this follow-up process lends itself to confusion, if not chaos. The marketing idea that Bob is referring to may actually be different from what the rest of the team assumes.

Vocol addresses this problem with comments. With this feature, participants can go through a meeting transcript (either the original version or the translation) and select sections to comment on. By commenting on specific parts of the discussion, meeting participants can align on what are the key takeaways.

Here’s how it works.

1. User uploads a meeting recording.

2. The user highlights or double-clicks a portion of text to add a comment.

Tag a teammate

Some software allows teammates to comment on documents, but does not have a tagging feature. In this case, commenting becomes useless in one of two ways. In the first approach, team members will have to go through the entire document, searching for comments that may apply to them. This process is of course a huge waste of time. In the second approach, team members will not be required to go through the document, so they will miss out on comments that apply to them.

Tagging solves both of these extremes. On Vocol, users can tag comments to specific teammates, which strikes the perfect balance in post-meeting collaboration: They don’t have to go through the entire document, and they will still be alerted to comments directed to them.

Here’s how it works.

1. The user initiates tagging by typing “@” and then chooses the correct team member.

2. The user types out a comment to the tagged person and clicks “Confirm.”

3. The person is now successfully tagged, and the comment is threaded in the Comments panel.

Share with a teammate

The ability to share access to a document is also crucial. In addition to collaborating internally across a team, team members may also need to work with colleagues from other departments, or even employees from other organizations, such as partners, vendors, or suppliers.

Unfortunately, software too often limits who can access a given document due to strict usage restrictions. This is not the case with Vocol. On our platform, users can easily invite collaborators, who can then access the document by signing up for a free Vocol account.

Here’s how it works.

1. The user selects “Share.”

2. The user types the email address of the person they would like to share the document with.

3. Upon selecting “Share,” the user can see that the collaborator has successfully been given access to the document.

Remote collaboration doesn’t need to be remote

While colleagues may be physically apart from one another, the act of collaboration does not need to be distant, too. Businesses need to prioritize meeting tools that help long after the meeting has wrapped up. With, enterprises do not have to worry about these issues. has a ton of features, including transcription translation, meeting comments, tagging, and sharing. While these features may seem standard, they have long gone overlooked in the meeting transcription space.

These features are crucial for the benefits they bring to global teams. They can communicate across language barriers, make a point based on a specific passage of the text, call a colleague’s attention to an item, and extend document access to any necessary collaborators.

As a result, teams with can collaborate with one another as seamlessly as if they were in the same physical space.