January 12, 2024

Taking care of those who take care: How benefits healthcare workers

In this article, we will focus on the healthcare professionals themselves, detailing how can enhance their individual productivity and even morale.

Taking care of those who take care: How benefits healthcare workers

In our previous piece on healthcare, we focused on how can improve workflows for doctors, nurses, and other clinicians. Because is a voice collaboration platform, healthcare professionals who use this tool can focus better during patient consultations instead of dividing their attention with notetaking.

Healthcare professionals can more efficiently analyze, review, and collaborate based on the ranscripts, summaries, and action items that produces. can even contribute to better patient outcomes through improved patient compliance.

Reduce cognitive load

Source: Pexels

There’s a concept called cognitive load, which refers to the number of things that a person can think about at any given time. Different experts provide different estimates, but generally, most agree that humans can typically think about somewhere between five and nine things at the same time. Additionally, each item takes mental focus away from the others, which explains why the once heralded multitasking has been proven ineffective.

When doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals are required to take notes, create reports, and file them, they unnecessarily add to their cognitive load. They are given more things to think about, which seems negligible for each patient but adds up over the workday, taxing their mind. Because these tasks exact a mental toll, healthcare professionals may end up making lower quality clinical choices as the day goes on, which is known as decision fatigue. helps to reduce the cognitive load of healthcare professionals through its various features. The platform can record all patient interactions, generate summaries and transcripts, and facilitate collaboration through sharing, tagging, and commenting. The mental resources saved from these abilities can now be better spent on interacting with patients, examining their conditions, and recommending the best course of treatment.

Improve professional morale

Source: Pexels

All healthcare professionals go through intense education and training. They are willing to undergo such rigorous professional development because they are passionate about helping others. They want to treat the sick, rehabilitate the injured, and improve health outcomes for all patients.

No healthcare professional goes through medical school aspiring to spend a significant time of their work handling administrative matters. Thus, when they find themselves wasting time with making reports, filing documentation, or other such tasks, many become demotivated. These routine tasks are not what they went to medical school for, and they feel disconnected from their mission of helping patients.

The morale of these healthcare professionals may lower further with the knowledge that these routine tasks are the norm. While there may have been no way around these functions a generation ago, digitization has enabled new ways of working. Many healthcare organizations embrace solutions that alleviate healthcare professionals of these morale-draining tasks.

Employing a solution like can provide an immediate boost to morale. Spared from repetitive and mundane tasks, healthcare professionals can better concentrate on functions more directly aligned with serving patients.

Prevent burnout

Source: Pexels

The medical field is an inherently stressful field. With people’s lives on the line, the stakes are high, and performing anything less than exceptional is unacceptable. Despite this reality, the field is still unnecessarily stressful.

When healthcare professionals are tasked with performing mundane, repetitive tasks, they do not only lose time away from patient-facing functions - their total time spent working also increases dramatically. In a study of one Chinese hospital, day-shift nurses were required to do overtime at a rate of 83.7 percent in part due to the tedious maintenance of nursing records.

Working well past normal working hours on such a regular basis is a recipe for burnout. The performance of healthcare workers in this situation will suffer, and they may resign from the organization or even change fields in response.

What is particularly notable about the above study is that it also identified a simple remediation: Digitization of records could alleviate some of the long hours the nurses were facing. This prescription (pun intended) only makes sense: A platform like automates most of the documentation and filing process, giving healthcare organizations the record system that they have long deserved.

The (hidden) state of healthcare professionals

Many healthcare organizations may only focus on how their doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are performing. These businesses naturally want to optimize processes and workflows so that more patients are served.

While can aid in process optimization, it also provides critical benefits to an often-overlooked problem: the mental state of healthcare professionals. Demanding routine tasks of them on a regular basis adds to their cognitive load, alienates them from their goal of serving patients, and increases their total work and burnout symptoms.

The best way to help with their psychological, mental, and emotional welfare is a platform like Healthcare organizations that adopt these solutions will enable healthcare professionals to conserve their mental energy, focus more on patients, and preserve their strength for the long-term demands of the field. In short, by taking care of their employees, healthcare organizations put them in the best position to take care of their patients.

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